Por tercer año el Consulado General de México en San Diego, en alianza con MAAC, lanzó la Beca Colibrí MX.
Otorgaremos a un número selecto de estudiantes elegibles una beca de $1,000 USD. Los estudiantes que son elegibles para el programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) también pueden solicitar una beca suplementaria de $500 USD. Además, se otorgará una beca basada en las necesidades de $5,000 a un estudiante. Nuestro objetivo es brindar a los estudiantes mexicanos o latinos los recursos y el apoyo necesarios para comenzar su viaje hacia un título universitario.
El próximo domingo 17 de julio se cierra la convocatoria. Nuestro objetivo es que Colibrí MX se convierta en un catalizador de las redes sociales para apoyar a nuestros futuros líderes mexicanos y latinos y construir comunidades más saludables y vibrantes aquí en San Diego y en todo Estados Unidos.
Esta beca tiene como objetivo promover el acceso a la educación superior para estudiantes inmigrantes de ascendencia mexicana o latina que residen en el condado de San Diego.
At the peak of last year’s supply chain crisis, the typically invisible operations of the nation’s ports came under a glaring media spotlight. But with the focus on consumer frustration, little attention was paid to whether massive public investment in the ports was producing commensurate benefits to the public.
A report released last week raises a host of questions about the country’s largest port complex – the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Produced by the Economic Roundtable, a nonprofit research group, «Someone Else’s Ocean» looks at the role of the ports and the overall labor force, the California economy and the public benefits that the ports are required to provide under law. The report was funded by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, which is currently negotiating a contract with the Pacific Maritime Association, an employer organization representing the companies that run the shipping lines and operate the cargo terminals in all U.S. mainland ports on the Pacific Coast. The last contract between the union and the companies, negotiated in 2015 and extended in 2019, expired on July 1, creating a big pile of issues that dockworkers want resolved. One of the thorniest is the impact of automation on the docks, especially sharp in Los Angeles and Long Beach where two terminals have already been automated.
Capital & Main spoke with Daniel Flaming, president of the Economic Roundtable, about the outsize impact of the ports and the effort to protect the interests of adjacent communities. The interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Capital & Main: The report says that three international shipping alliances control 83% of container movements around the world. It sounds like longshore workers are David facing a global Goliath.
Daniel Flaming: These aren’t mom and pop operations doing stevedore work. These are under the control of companies in Asia and in Europe. They’ve been exempted from antitrust law in Europe, so they’re able to set shipping fees collaboratively rather than engage in competition. They juggle cargo between ships of different lines and coordinate schedules. In effect, they’re able to operate as a gigantic single company to their own great profit. So it’s very difficult for a small group of workers to negotiate their survival and favorable employment terms with these giants.
The State of California grants the ports the right to use the land for the benefit of California residents. But in reality shipping is controlled by three global conglomerates that also own most of the terminals in the ports. So the ports wind up serving the interests of foreign manufacturers and foreign shippers rather than California residents.
Capital & Main: The report says dockworkers in San Pedro Bay earn an average hourly wage of $62.44. What impact does this high level wage have on local communities in the San Pedro and Los Angeles area?
Daniel Flaming: It has a powerful, multiplier effect. It enables the workers themselves to be homeowners in many cases, rather than precariously housed. In Los Angeles, as well as the Bay Area, that’s not a trivial matter. And in the San Pedro area, the immediate area around the ports, the buying power of dockworkers accounts for about 34% of consumption by the community – restaurants, doctors, grocery stores, hardware stores. That makes ILWU members an important economic force in the community.
Capital & Main: Yet the report also states that union longshore workers are making $89,560 a year, while workers in local communities overall are making $34,345, which is an enormous difference. Doesn’t this make longshoremen an island of high wages in a sea of low wages? What should the union do about this?
Daniel Flaming: Nearly three quarters of shipping containers leave the port empty. They come in full, and go out empty. Those outgoing empty containers could be filled with goods we might make, including high tech products. So in terms of the relationship between higher wage dock workers and the lower wage workers who are their neighbors, part of what we recommend is that the port should support durable manufacturing industries – export industries.
In addition, the truckers who come in and out of the ports make up the biggest body of workers whose jobs are linked to the docks. They work very long hours for a little over minimum wage. Yet the ports are a capital-intensive environment, which means a lot of money is invested in equipment and in cargo, and the ports are publicly owned. People who work there should earn a decent living. The port truckers should earn at least the prevailing wage for construction truck drivers.
Capital & Main: There’s a long history of efforts by port truckers to organize themselves in various ways. The ILWU also has an historic organizing strategy called The March Inland – the idea of organizing the workers who handle the goods as they move off the docks. Would supporting those efforts be one way of trying to attack this differential in income?
Daniel Flaming: Absolutely. On the one hand you have truly gigantic foreign global shipping interests, and on the about 8,000 registered longshore workers labor on the docks in LA – 13,000 if you add in the casuals [workers who get jobs on a daily basis in the hiring hall, but who are not yet registered – ed.]. Longshore workers a small force in the face of these shipping giants. This situation really calls for labor solidarity in the ports.
In addition to the truckers, railroad workers are also having a miserable time of it. The trains are understaffed and the equipment sometimes is in poor repair. Construction workers are on the docks making improvements. Then inland there are the blue-collar manufacturing workers.
Capital & Main: One of the hardest-fought issues in negotiations between longshore workers and the shipping companies is the automation of the docks. Can you detail the job losses that have been cost by automation in Long Beach and Los Angeles?
Daniel Flaming: There are two automated terminals in the ports, one in Long Beach, one in Los Angeles. The automation began at both in 2012 and was completed in 2015. In Los Angeles the terminal is called TraPac, which stands for Trans-Pacific Container Corporation. That terminal received a public subsidy of 40% of the cost of automating operations, which is not legal. The terminal’s lease was negotiated and afterwards the port paid for the cost of automation without raising the lease rate. In Long Beach they took two outdated terminals, filled in the ocean between them, and created one much larger automated terminal.
We estimated that 582 jobs were lost at these two terminals – jobs that would have existed if they hadn’t automated. If automation spreads to more terminals, those losses will be much larger.
Capital & Main: Presumably this is what terminal operators want – to eliminate jobs as a way of eliminating costs, right?
Daniel Flaming: Well, automation is very expensive. It was a billion and a half dollars to automate the Long Beach container terminal, and close to $700 million to automate TraPac. One governmental body, the International Transportation Forum made up of 34 countries, says there’s a 7% to 12% loss in productivity at the automated terminals because they lack a steady rhythm of cargo movement. What automation does offer the shippers is that they don’t have to deal with dockworkers and they don’t have to deal with the union. A foreign manufacturer can have straight throughput to their consumers in this country without having to deal with American labor.
Capital & Main: What could the ILWU propose in negotiations that would put a break on job losses?
Daniel Flaming: Their existing agreements call for maintaining the labor force, but our report shows, in fact, that jobs have been destroyed. That’s an issue they can take to the bargaining table. They can also act through city government and state government to preserve jobs. The argument we make is that there is no local benefit from automation. It eliminates jobs. The equipment is made in China or Germany. If there are profits, they go to Europe or Asia. Local communities pay a high cost through the impacts of all the truck and rail movements. There are lots of diesel emissions, which are a health risk, as well as noise and uncompensated road wear. Local communities simply lose through automation.
Capital & Main: Do the port commissions also have the ability to determine how much automation is going to take place?
Daniel Flaming: The terminals are publicly owned, so reconfiguring the equipment or infrastructure requires port commission approval. So the commissions do have the ability to say, «No, we don’t want that done to our property.»
Capital & Main: Couldn’t the shippers just move cargo operations to other ports if Los Angeles tries to put the brakes on automation?
Daniel Flaming: About 35% of what comes in through the port is consumed in what they call the local region, basically the sprawling Southern California area. So this is the consumption center for cargo. The ports that are raised most often as competition are in British Columbia. It just baffles me how you could unload containers in British Columbia, get them across the Puget Sound and truck them or send them here by rail. The infrastructure doesn’t exist to do that. It takes billions of dollars in infrastructure to move cargo out of the Los Angeles ports, and you just can’t replicate that overnight somewhere else.
Capital & Main: At one point, there was some thought that ports in Mexico might go into competition with Southern California ports.
Daniel Flaming: That was the story before the British Columbia story. It’s the same issue of infrastructure. The San Pedro Bay ports are populated with scores of huge container cranes, and rail and truck facilities. It would take many billions of dollars to replicate that. Then you would have to transport the goods across the border into this region. This is rhetorical saber rattling, and it’s used to intimidate ports to make them compliant.
Capital & Main: What could the ports do to encourage more manufacturing here and more exports?
Daniel Flaming: There was a very large public investment in what’s called the Alameda corridor – a subterranean freight line that moves cargo out of the ports. It runs through Los Angeles’s Rust Belt, the area where we used to have tire factories, steel factories and automobile assembly plants. No one asked, «Could we connect this line to these large manufacturing sites the trains are running past?» The ports have enormous locational advantages. They can simplify inventory operations, they can reduce touch points moving cargo, they can make things move more quickly, they can give discount rates to exports. We recommend that the ports talk individually to durable manufacturing industries and listen to their needs.
Capital & Main: You also suggest that if it became more expensive to export – if there were a surcharge, for instance, placed on empty containers leaving the port – that also might encourage shippers to fill those containers up with something. Presumably that something might be products manufactured in Los Angeles.
Daniel Flaming: Or California. Right now the port of Los Angeles discounts [fees on] containers if they’re empty. We’re subsidizing the shippers sending empty containers. The port of Long Beach has a discount for exports, but because most outgoing containers are empty it’s not doing much good. The ports could rethink the rate structure so that it benefits the broader economic fabric of California, rather than simply meshing with the import needs of these big shippers. Ports are treated as a business extension of the shippers, but they are obligated to act on behalf of California residents.
Capital & Main: What could happen in the negotiations of the contract between the ILWU and the PMA that would have an impact on the development of more local manufacturing,? Could political action by the ILWU affect how the port commission might encourage the more local manufacturing and more exports?
Daniel Flaming: It may not happen through the contract negotiations, but it could happen through decisions by the City of Los Angeles and the City of Long Beach. People pay taxes, robots don’t. There ought to be taxes on automated equipment that are like an impact fee if you destroy jobs. It’s putting a thumb on the right side of the scale. There are hundreds of thousands of manufacturing establishments in the greater LA area, and for some that will make the difference. It could begin to strengthen rather than diminish our export activity.
Capital & Main: Agricultural products are also a large percentage of exports, and the ILWU has traditionally supported agricultural workers in the United Farm Workers Union. The movement of farm products across the docks has given the union the ability to action at various times to support union strikes and boycotts. California’s largest agricultural export, I believe, is almonds, and the largest exporter is The Wonderful Company, owned by Stewart Resnick, a well-known Southern California figure. Workers in the almond industry, particularly at Wonderful, have tried to organize themselves in the past. The ILWU sits in a very strategic position in relation to those efforts, because this enormous amount of product from this this one company is passing right across the LA docks.
Daniel Flaming: Agricultural exports, in fact, have been one of the few areas where we’ve had growth in exports. When you export almonds, you’re also exporting California water. Water is in scarce in our state, and growing an almond takes a large amount of it. So another possible set of alliances is with environmental groups, around issues such as water consumption in the central valley, and also around cleaner trucks and fewer emissions as trucks travel 50 miles east to warehouses, and then truck the same stuff back to wealthy communities to deliver it to homes.
Capital & Main: What are the costs of running the ports that the shippers are not paying for, and that the public does?
Daniel Flaming: The picture to keep in mind is of congested freeways and big trucks. The biggest costs are from accidents, and from uncompensated road wear that the fuel taxes and the license fees don’t cover. There are costs to residences from noise. There are health costs from the emissions that in the immediate port area create a higher risk of cancer. And there are also global costs from greenhouse gases and from climate change.
Capital & Main: Is the ILWU therefore representing the interests of the broader community in the face of these costs, when it’s sitting down with the Pacific Maritime Association?
Daniel Flaming: The union is saying, «We need to look at the big picture, not the little picture. We are part of a community, and we need to think about the wellbeing of that community.» More Than a Wall / Mas que Un Muro explores the many aspects of the border region through photographs taken by David Bacon over a period of 30 years. These photographs trace the changes in the border wall itself, and the social movements in border communities, factories and fields. This bilingual book provides a reality check, to allow us to see the border region as its people, with their own history of movements for rights and equality, and develop an alternative vision in which the border can be a region where people can live and work in solidarity with each other. – Gaspar Rivera-Salgado
David Bacon has given us, through his beautiful portraits, the plight of the American migrant worker, and the fierce spirit of those who provide and bring to us comfort and sustenance. — Lila Downs
– a book of photographs by David Bacon and oral histories created during 30 years of covering the people and social movements of the Mexico/U.S. border – a complex, richly textured documentation of a world in newspaper headlines daily, but whose reality, as it’s lived by border residents, is virtually invisible. – 440 pages – 354 duotone black-and-white photographs – a dozen oral histories – incisive journalism and analysis by David Bacon, Don Bartletti, Luis Escala, Guillermo Alonso and Alberto del Castillo. – completely bilingual in English and Spanish – published by El Colegio de la Frontera Norte with support from the UCLA Institute for Labor Research and Education and the Center for Mexican Studies, the Werner Kohlstamm Family Fund, and the Green Library at Stanford University
«The «border» is just a line. It’s the people who matter – their relationships with or without or across that line. The book helps us feel the impact of the border on people living there, and helps us figure out how we talk to each other about it. The germ of the discussion are these wonderful and eye-opening pictures, and the voices that help us understand what these pictures mean.» – JoAnn Intili, director, The Werner-Kohnstamm Family Fund
Letters and Politics – May 19, 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvs6SyXsM-4 Three Decades of Photographing The Border & Border Communities Host Mitch Jeserich interviews David Bacon, a photojournalist, author, broadcaster and former labor organizer. He has reported on immigrant and labor issues for decades. His latest book, More Than A Wall, is a collection of his photographs of the border and border communities spanning three decades. Online Interviews and Presentations
Exploitation or Dignity – What Future for Farmworkers UCLA Latin American Institute Based on a new report by the Oakland Institute, journalist and photographer David Bacon documents the systematic abuse of workers in the H-2A program and its impact on the resident farmworker communities, confronted with a race to the bottom in wages and working conditions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXKa2lHJXMs
There’s More Work to be Done Housing Assistance Council and National Endowment for the Arts This exhibition documents the work and impact of the struggle for equitable and affordable housing in rural America, inspired by the work of George “Elfie” Ballis. https://www. thereismoreworktobedone.com/david-bacon
Exhibited throughout the pandemic in the Cecil H. Green Library at Stanford. The online exhibition (https://exhibits.stanford.edu/bacon), which includes additional content not included in the physical show, is accessible to everyone, and is part of an accessible digital spotlight collection that includes significant images from this body of work. For a catalog: (https://web.stanford.edu/ dept/spec_coll/NonVendorPubOrderform2017.pdf) Photographs and text by David Bacon University of California Press / Colegio de la Frontera Norte 302 photographs, 450pp, 9”x9” paperback, $34.95 (in the U.S.)
order the book on the UC Press website: ucpress.edu/9780520296077 use source code 16M4197 at checkout, receive a 30% discount
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