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Two exhibitions, photos of spanish workers

martes 19 de marzo de 2024 por Ana Lara

San Francisco hotel workers fight for the right to survive in the world’s most expensive city
Photographs by David Bacon
Front Page Gallery, Bungalow 615, Ocean Campus
City College of San Francisco, Journalism Department
Closing reception:  Friday, March 29, 5-8 PM

Las comunidades fronterizas y sus movimientos de justica social
Fotografias de David Bacon
Fototeca de Zacatecas Pedro Valtierra
Fernando Millapando 406, Centro Historico, Zacatecas
21 marzo, 18:00 H

Photographs by David Bacon

These are photographs of Spanish workers, plus two Portuguese street sweepers on their way to lunch, carrying their straw brooms.  Some show the workers who keep the great Moorish monuments clean, and repair the damage from the centuries on rooftops, the painted interior walls and the stone walkways.  Few of us think about those who make it possible to understand the austere beauty of the Mezquita or the Alhambra, but this heritage of Islamic Spain would have long since crumbled without their labor.  And like workers everywhere, the institutions they work for would have long ago cast them aside when they got old, if they didn’t demonstrate to defend their right to enough income to age in dignity themselves.

¡Que vivan las y los trabajadores de España y Portugal!

Photographs by David Bacon

Civil Rights Institute of Inland Southern California
3933 Mission Inn Avenue, Suite 103
Riverside, CA 92501

Click here:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C2yAtHDPc5Q/

David Bacon’s Working Coachella – Labor Heritage Power Hour with Chris Garlock

Pacific Media Workers Guild, CWA Local 39521, adopted a resolution supporting the Labor Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza:https://mediaworkers.org/guild-joins-calls-for-immediate-ceasefire-in-gaza/

Unearthing the history of protest against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Photographs © by David Bacon



More Than a Wall / Mas que Un Muro explores the many aspects of the border region through photographs taken by David Bacon over a period of 30 years. These photographs trace the changes in the border wall itself, and the social movements in border communities, factories and fields. This bilingual book provides a reality check, to allow us to see the border region as its people, with their own history of movements for rights and equality, and develop an alternative vision in which the border can be a region where people can live and work in solidarity with each other. – Gaspar Rivera-Salgado

David Bacon has given us, through his beautiful portraits, the plight of the American migrant worker, and the fierce spirit of those who provide and bring to us comfort and sustenance. — Lila Downs

Published by El Colegio de la Frontera Norte with support from the UCLA Institute for Labor Research and Education and the Center for Mexican Studies, the Werner Kohlstamm Family Fund, and the Green Library at Stanford University

Price:  $35 plus postage and handling
To order, click here:  

«The «border» is just a line. It’s the people who matter.» – JoAnn Intili, director, The Werner-Kohnstamm Family Fund


Photographs and text by David Bacon
University of California Press / Colegio de la Frontera Norte
302 photographs, 450pp, 9”x9”
paperback, $34.95 (in the U.S.)
order the book on the UC Press website:
use source code  16M4197  at checkoutreceive a 30% discount

En Mexico se puede pedir el libro en el sitio de COLEF:

Los Angeles Times reviews In the Fields of the North / En los Campos del Norte – click her

The David Bacon Archive exhibition at Stanford Libraries

Exhibited throughout the pandemic in the Cecil H. Green Library at Stanford. The online exhibition (https://exhibits.stanford.edu/bacon), which includes additional content not included in the physical show, is accessible to everyone, and is part of an accessible digital spotlight collection that includes significant images from this body of work. For a catalog: (https://web.stanford.edu/dept/spec_coll/NonVendorPubOrderform2017.pdf)
 Online Interviews and Presentations

Red Lens Episode 6: David Bacon on US-Mexico border photography
Brad Segal: On episode 6 of Red Lens, I talk with David Bacon.David Bacon is a California-based writer and documentary photographer. A former union organizer, today he documents labor, the global economy, war and migration, and the struggle for human rights.  We talk about David’s new book, ‘More than a Wall / Mas que un muro’ which includes 30 years of his photography and oral histories from communities & struggles in the U.S.-Mexico border region.
https://www.patreon.com/posts/71834023?fbclid=IwAR0BRhHYbrYU3BoeoAMFKU_zdHs5Xirmmt1LzQtfwf1yD8p9EYLXKhzzbDELetters and Politics – Three Decades of Photographing The Border & Border Communities
Host Mitch Jeserich interviews David Bacon, a photojournalist, author, broadcaster and former labor organizer. He has reported on immigrant and labor issues for decades. His latest book, More Than A Wall, is a collection of his photographs of the border and border communities spanning three decades.

Exploitation or Dignity – What Future for Farmworkers
UCLA Latin American Institute
Based on a new report by the Oakland Institute, journalist and photographer David Bacon documents the systematic abuse of workers in the H-2A program and its impact on the resident farmworker communities, confronted with a race to the bottom in wages and working conditions.

David Bacon on union solidarity with Iraqi oil worker unions
Free City Radio – CKUT 27/10/2021 –
Organizing during COVID, the intrinsic value of the people who grow our food
Sylvia Richardson – Latin Waves Media
How community and union organizers came together to get rights for farm workers during COVID, and how surviving COVID has literally been an act of resistance.
Report Details Slavery-Like Conditions For Immigrant Guest Workers
Rising Up With Sonali Kohatkar

The Right to Remain

Beware of Pity

En Español
Ruben Luengas – #EnContacto
Hablamos con David Bacon de los migrantes y la situación de México frente a los Estados Unidos por ser el principal país de llegada a la frontera de ese país.

Jornaleros agrícolas en EEUU en condiciones más graves por Covid-19: David Bacon
SomosMas99 con Agustin Galo Samario

«Los fotógrafos tomamos partido»
Entrevista por Melina Balcázar Moreno – Milenio.com Laberinto

David Bacon comparte su mirada del trabajo agrícola de migrantes mexicanos en el Museo Archivo de la Fotografia
Online Photography Exhibitions
Documentary Matters –  View from the US 
Social Documentary Network
Four SDN photographers explore themes of racial justice, migration, and #MeToo
There’s More Work to be Done
Housing Assistance Council and National Endowment for the Arts
This exhibition documents the work and impact of the struggle for equitable and affordable housing in rural America, inspired by the work of George “Elfie” Ballis.
Dark Eyes
A beautiful song by Lila Downs honoring essential workers, accompanied by photographs

A video about the Social Justice Photography of David Bacon:

In the FIelds of the North
Online Exhibit
Los Altos History Museum

Virtual Tour – In the Fields of the North
History Museum of Tijuana
Recorrido Virtual de la Exposicion – En los campos del norte
Museo de Historia de Tijuana
 THE REALITY CHECK – David Bacon blog
http://davidbaconrealitycheck.blogspot.comOther Books by David Bacon – Otros Libros

The Right to Stay Home:  How US Policy Drives Mexican Migration  (Beacon Press, 2013)
http://www.beacon.org/productdetails.cfm?PC=2328Illegal People — How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants  (Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008

Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)

The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the U.S./Mexico Border (University of California, 2004)

En Español:  

EL DERECHO A QUEDARSE EN CASA  (Critica – Planeta de Libros)


For more articles and images, see  http://dbacon.igc.org and http://davidbaconrealitycheck.blogspot.com
and https://www.flickr.com/photos/56646659@N05/albums
Copyright © 2024 David Bacon Photographs and Stories, All rights reserved.
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Convocatoria 2024. Maestría en Gestión de la Información en Entornos Digitales, UACJ

lunes 26 de febrero de 2024 por Ana Lara

 Convocatoria 2024 de la Maestría en Gestión de la Información en Entornos Digitales (MGIED) que inicia clases en agosto del presente año.

Este programa educativo de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez que se ofrece en modalidad en línea, forma parte del Sistema Nacional de Posgrados del Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencia y Tecnología (CONAHCYT)


Puede ser un gráfico de texto que dice "P-MGIED Maestría en Gestión de la Información en entornos digitales"
Dra. Berenice Mears Delgado
Coordinadora de la Maestría en Gestión de la Información en Entornos Digitales
Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
Tel. (656) 6883800, ext. 3682 y 3782.
Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "UACJ UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DECDDJUÁRE CIUDAD JUÁREZ Maestría en Gestión de la Información en Entornos Digitales Modalidad en línea Inicio de generación Agosto 2024 Líneas de Generacióny Aplicación del Conocimiento .Gestión información en las organizaciones .Visibilidad organizaciones información en las -MGIED MAYOR INFORMACIÓN Coordinadora del programa Dra. Erika Berenice Mears Delgado bmears@uacj.mx +52 (656) 6883800, ext. 3682 ICSA UACJ POSGRADOS COMepO aup Liga de registro de Û CONAHCYT ;Hacemos historia!"
Puede ser un gráfico de texto
Puede ser una imagen de talón de boleto y texto

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales

Acopio masivo de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos – UABC Tijuana

lunes 26 de febrero de 2024 por Ana Lara

Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "Recolectra ACOPIO MASIVO De aparatos eléctricosy electrónicos UABC TIJUANA Estacionamiento "O" frente a Applebee's 02Marzo 9am a 2pm Sistemas Almacenamiento Sistemas de Audio Sistemas de Alarmas Veo vigilancia Electrodomésticos Sistemas de video juegos FAX Equipo de cómputo completo Laptops Celulares Ipad Tablets Teclados/Mouse/ Mouse/ Bocinas Impresoras s/cartuchos Cámaras Pantallas planas (LCD, LED, OLED) NO se reciben televisores plasma ni CRT, CD's, VHS, pilas, refrigeradores ni refrigeraciones. 686 218 1120 lúnicoBC வல்ச்லக்ள www.yoreciclomxl.org Hélice @fundacionheliceac TOM CALIRESOURCES M Mesicali Ambiental"

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales

Difusión: Convocatoria de admisión al Posgrado en CSH 2024 (maestría y doctorado)

viernes 23 de febrero de 2024 por Ana Lara

Convocatoria 2024 de admisión al Posgrado en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la UAM-Cuajimalpa (maestría y doctorado).

Toda la información sobre el proceso puede consultarse en: 

El Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades se encuentra en el Padrón Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad de CONACyT: los y las aspirantes aceptadas podrán solicitar beca-CONACYT,  una vez que se hayan inscrito. La solicitud de becas se hará con apego a los criterios de la Convocatoria nacional de becas. Para mayor información: https://www.conacyt.gob.mx/Becas-nacionales.html


Información para aspirantes al Doctorado 2024

Doctorado: http://dcsh.cua.uam.mx/doctorado/admision-2/


Información para aspirantes a la Maestría 2024

Maestría: http://dcsh.cua.uam.mx/maestria/admision/

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales

Boletín del Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales (22/02/2024)

viernes 23 de febrero de 2024 por Ana Lara

Novedades del portal comecso.com al 22/02/2024

Forma parte del equipo de apoyo del IX Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Sociales

El Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales y el Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México CONVOCAN a la comunidad estudiantil para participar como parte del equipo de apoyo del IX Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Sociales Las ciencias sociales y los retos para la democracia mexicana que se realizará en el Instituto […]
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