Blanca Cecilia García Quiroz

Profesora – Investigadora del Departamento de Estudios de Administración Pública.

Sede Monterrey, Nuevo León.


La Doctora Blanca C. García es una facilitadora y especialista de temas de Gestión y Administración del Desarrollo, con una línea de investigación en Desarrollo Basado en Conocimiento (DBC). Con estudios interdisciplinarios en Ciencias Sociales y Educación, posee una maestría y un doctorado en Política, Gestión y Administración del Desarrollo por la Universidad de Manchester, Reino Unido, y se desempeña como profesora-investigadora de El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF), en el Departamento de Administración Pública, Es miembro del SNI nivel 1 desde 2011. Desde 2019, es la Coordinadora Académica del programa Maestría en Gestión Integral del Agua, adscrita a la Dirección Regional Noreste con sede en Monterrey, México.

Entre las principales distinciones que ha recibido, se encuentra el ser miembro del Observatorio Internacional PASCAL, miembro del consejo editorial de las revistas indexadas IJKBD y IJOI y coordinadora Interna de la Comisión Evaluadora del DEAP en El Colef.

A nivel nacional, participa en redes académicas tales como la red de Gobernanza Metropolitana (RedGobMet), Conacyt., la red temática de Gestión Integral del Agua (RETGIA), Conacyt., y la red temática Sistemas Territoriales y Agencia. Conocimiento y Capacidades para el Desarrollo (RSTA).

Actualmente colabora en los proyectos sobre Consulta sobre Ciudades de Conocimiento. 14ava Edición, como coordinadora y en proyectos relacionados con la Gestión del Agua, como ‘Adaptación y resiliencia socio-hidrológica en el entorno periurbano de la Ciudad de México: Humedales Artificiales’ (en colaboración con UAM-C y UABC).

Algunas de sus publicaciones recientes son:

García, B. (2020). ‘Theoretical Aspects of Socio-Ecology’, in Ortega A. : Socio-ecological studies in Mexican natural protected areas: Linking Local Communities Development with Biodiversity Conservation. Springer, USA. (in print)

García, B.; Figueroa J.M. (2020). ‘Knowledge-based development: Driving a case for Water-Sensitive Cities in Arid-America’ in Benna, U. (Ed) : Development Challenges and Strategies in Global Arid Regions. IGI Global. New Jersey. (in Print).

Jung M,; Sabatini, J.; Garcia, B.; Tucunduva, T. & Costa, E. (2019). ‘Contributions to Knowledge-based Development from the Common Goods Theory, in Proceedings of International Conference 2019 in Bremen: Economy for the Common Good – A Common Standard for a Pluralist World?, (ECGPW-2019) Bremen, Germany 28.-30. November 2019. School of Graduate and Professional Studies, Hochschule Bremen, Langemarckstrasse 113, 28199 Bremen.

Garcia, B. (2018). ‘Chapter 5: Green and Blue City-Regions: Smart Water, Governance and adaptive capacity development in Mexican Cities, in Benna, U. (ed), Industrial and Urban Growth Policies at the Sub-National, National, and Global Levels IGI Global. New Jersey.


Blanca (MSc, PhD, Man) is passionate about learning as a process that triggers collective development. She a Development Policy Administration and Management specialist dedicated to the facilitation, creation and Development Policy research of knowledge-generative networks that engage people at the city-region level. Since 2009, she works as a Researcher (Tenure track, Assistant Professorship in 2010) in the Public Policy Department of the Northern Borderlands Research College (COLEF) in its research unit based in Monterrey, Mexico. She works under the flag of Knowledge City schemes, particularly interested in exploring the regional systems of learning and knowing in city-regions, and their impact on their development. She explores knowledge-based learning environments, repositories, networks and systems, and the social learning and management aspects as some of the key processes of Knowledge-based Development (KBD) in the urban context. She also manages the knowledge-based development international consultation exercise known as MAKCi Awards for the WCI organization, an international think-thank which convenes a K-Cities Summit on an annual basis. Blanca has contributed to the growing KBD literature with publications on knowledge city case studies and KBD models in spaces such as the Journal of Knowledge Management and the Journal of Knowledge-based Development. She also contributed to the seminal Knowledge Cities and Knowledge-based development books, under the Elsevier-Heinemann and Interscience brands. Recently, Blanca has joined the PASCAL International Observatory initiative, a UK-based global alliance that conveys the values, commitments, and skills of experts who see the importance of place, relational capital, and social learning. Blanca supports organizations like Pascal that inform and converse with decision makers to design and implement regional development strategies that balance economic growth, social equity, and environmental sustainability.


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