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Curso en línea-How to strengthen your academic brand and boost enrollment with social

martes, 24 enero, 2017

Today’s top students face countless choices when it comes to their post-secondary education. And when thinking about their future, they’re not cutting any corners.

With this much competition, your organization has a great opportunity to stand out.

We’re hosting a webinar with The University of Southern California to show you how you can use social media to set your academic institution apart from the crowd by building a captivating academic brand, listening to and engaging with prospective students, attracting top talent, and measuring overall social sentiment.

Register now

*Nota importante: En El Colef sede Tijuana, el curso se transmitirá en la sala Víctor Urquidi a partir de las 8:00 horas. Favor de confirmar su asistencia al correo difusion@colef.mx o a la extensión 1461.

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · 2 Cursos