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Call for papers | Revista Europea de Migraciones Internacionales

martes, 23 noviembre, 2021

The Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI) invites contributions (articles, research notes, legal commentaries, book reviews and photography portfolio).

The journal aims to publish empirical and theoretical research from the various disciplines concerned with international migration and interethnic relations. The journal languages of publication are French, English and Spanish.

REMI releases four issues per year, available in open access with a one-year restriction. You can also propose translated versions of your contributions, in order to make them available in more than one language.

Publications in REMI are subject to double-blind peer-review. In order to prepare your contribution, please see the dedicated section of the REMI website: https://journals.openedition.org/remi/5848?lang=en).

Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI)
Université de Poitiers
MSHS – Bâtiment A5 – 5, rue Théodore Lefebvre – TSA 21103
86073 Poitiers cedex 9 – France
Tél. :
Courriel : remi@univ-poitiers.fr
Site Internet : https://journals.openedition.org/remi/

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