Clase | Tipografía | Peso | Tamaño | Color | Interlineado | Hover | Nombre |
H1 | Bebas Neue | Regular | 70 | #FFFFF | X | X | TÍTULO IMAGEN BLANCO |
H2 | Roboto | Bold | 30 | #000000 | 25 pt | x | Título negro |
H3 | Roboto | Bold | 30 | #FFFFF | 25 pt | x | Título video blanco |
H4 | Roboto | Regular | 30 | #F4BF4A | 25 pt | x | Sub video naranja |
H5 | Roboto | Medium | 24 | #000000 | 25 pt | X | Quote negro |
H6 | BEBAS NEUE | LIGHT | 20 | #999999 | X | X | SUBTÍTULO GRIS |
T7 | Roboto | Regular | 15 | #000000 | 20 pt | X | Texto negro |
T8 | Roboto | Regular | 15 | #999999 | 20 pt | x | Texto gris |
Texto de parrafo por defecto
Texto de parrafo por defecto en negritas
Texto de parrafo por defecto en énfasis o itálicas
Texto de parrafo por defecto en subrayado
Texto de parrafo por defecto
Texto en tipografía Roboto
# | Encanezado | Thin | light | Regular | Medium | Bold |
1 | h1 | h1 |
h1 |
h1 |
h1 |
h1 |
2 | h2 | h2 |
h2 |
h2 |
h2 |
h2 |
3 | h3 | h3 |
h3 |
h3 |
h3 |
h3 |
4 | h4 | h4 |
h4 |
h4 |
h4 |
h4 |
5 | h5 | h5 |
h5 |
h5 |
h5 |
h5 |
6 | h6 | h6 |
h6 |
h6 |
h6 |
h6 |
Rojo danger
Amarillo warning
Verde success
Aww yeah, you successfully read this important alert message. This example text is going to run a bit longer so that you can see how spacing within an alert works with this kind of content.
Whenever you need to, be sure to use margin utilities to keep things nice and tidy.
Clase | Tipografía | Peso | Tamaño | Color | Outline | Fondo | Nombre |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo | |
Roboto | Bold | 14 | #f4bf4a | #000000 | / | Outline amarillo |
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.
Go somewhereSome quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.
Card link Another linkSome quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.
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