El objetivo específico del seminario es analizar y reflexionar las culturas, movimientos y resistencias juveniles en el marco del escenario mundial actual que visibilizan la necesidad de un nuevo modelo económico global, nuevos proyectos nacionales, nuevos actores y actoras del proceso político y un nuevo proyecto civilizatorio.
El seminario contará con la participación de jóvenes que formaron parte de los movimientos sociales Occupy Wall Street, Indignados, #YoSoy132 y Dreamers, así como con investigadores de México, Estados Unidos, España y Brasil que cuentan con amplia experiencia en el análisis de las expresiones y posicionamientos sociopolíticos juveniles. Ver semblanzas
El evento se conformará de una conferencia magistral y ponencias que corresponden a los siguientes ejes temáticos:
1) Experiencias juveniles, espacio público y política. Eje que busca hacer visibles las reflexiones juveniles respecto a sus experiencias de participación política dentro de los movimientos Occupy Wall Street, Indignados, #YoSoy132 y Dreamers para abrir un espacio de discusión que genere una agenda de temas clave para la comprensión de estos fenómenos.
2) Análisis de los Movimientos juveniles contemporáneos. A partir de las experiencias políticas juveniles, este eje pretende configurar interpretaciones y análisis sobre la dimensión política de la visibilidad juvenil.The specific objective of the seminar is to analyze and reflect on cultures, youth movements and resistance under the current global scenario that makes the need for a new global economic model, new national projects, new actors and actresses from the political process and a new civilizational project visible .
The seminar will include the participation of young people who were part of the social movement Occupy Wall Street, Occupy, # YoSoy132 and Dreamers as well as researchers from Mexico, USA, Spain and Brazil, which have extensive experience in the analysis of the expressions and youth sociopolitical positions.
The relevance of the subject is placed in the context of so-called “indignados” and the
(Un) youthful hopes. The large demonstrations that travel the world with overwhelming passage enroll in exclusion and precariousness of the population in the context of huge social inequality, a situation that has sparked outrage from broad sectors of society including the young people have a role.
After the Occupy movement is the breakdown of hope made from the perspective of future progress related to and a daily now fraught with uncertainty and apprehension. Millions of young people face uncertainty and the effects of extended crisis that affects their lives, their expectations of employment, access to social benefits, the decrease of their security in increasingly violent contexts from which, paradoxically, is stereotyped and criminalized young people as if they were the cause of violence and economic hardship we live.
The event will be formed of a lecture and presentations that address the following themes:
1) Experiences youth, public space and politics. Axis that seeks to make visible the youth reflections about their experiences of political participation within the Occupy Wall Street movement, Occupy, # YoSoy132 and Dreamers to open a space for discussion to generate an agenda of key issues for understanding these phenomena.
2) Analysis of the contemporary youth movements. From youth political experiences, this axis aims set interpretations and analyzes of the political dimension of youth visibility.
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