New Patterns of Mexican Migration to the United States: Perspectives from the Border

10:00 h - finaliza a las 14:00 h

El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, en colaboración con la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles, invitan al seminario «New Patterns of Mexican Migration to the United States: Perspectives from the Border».

Dr. Rafael Alarcón, investigador del Departamento de Estudios Sociales y el Dr. Roger Waldinger, profesor de la Universidad de California, Los Ángeles

Dra. Eunice Vargas Valle y Mtra. Elizabeth Camacho, con la ponencia: “Switching Schools? School Attendance and Age-grade Gaps of Recent Migrant Children from the United States to Mexico”
Dr. Rafael Alarcón Acosta presenta: “The Massive Deportation of Mexican Migrants to Tijuana from the United States”
Dr. Luis Calva Sánchez y el Mtro. Gabriel Sánchez González, con la ponencia: “Surveys on Migration at Mexico’s Northern and Southern Borders” 
Dra. Olga Odgers Ortiz, con: “Believe and Migrate: A Methodological Proposal to Analyze Mobility and Religious Change in Localities of Origin in Mexico”
Y el Dr. Luis Escala Rabadán, “Indigenous Migrant Communities and Cultural Spaces between Mexico and the United States: The Guelaguetza Festivals in California”.

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